
Attention, musicians and guitarists! This is my exclusive guitar sale! Feel inspired by the instruments on this page.

As a luthier I can take you by the hand in finding your perfect instrument. Here you can get an overview of price reduced and fully functional show instruments with light signs of wear. With the vintage nitro finishes you sometimes can find typical nitro cracks. Feel invited to visit my showroom and check out the instruments. If you´re interested in one of the instruments, please feel free to write me a message by using the contact button.

Kontakt / Contact

Tel.: +49 38205 859181


Adr.: Lange Straße 31, 18195 Tessin, Germany

Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours

Vereinbaren Sie vorab per Telefon oder E-Mail einen Termin für ein persönliches Gespräch in der Zeit von Montag bis Freitag 10 bis 18 Uhr.


Please make an appointment by telephone or E-Mail for a personal consultation from Monday to

Friday 10 am - 6 pm.


Nützliche Links / Useful links